
Minggu, 18 April 2010


All servers are running
All servers are running
All servers are running
Latest ATi driver update fixes long loadin...

ATi has released ATI Catalyst™ 10.4 Hotfix for series 5 graphics cards (series 4 graphics cards are expected to get the drivers next week). You can read more about the driver hotfix at ATI Catalyst™ 10.4 Preview features:The ATI Catalyst 10.4 Preview provides resolution for the following issue: Long lo...

10.04.15 45

Battlefield BC2


Password Buat Flashdisk

1. Buka Notepad
( Caranya : Start>>All Programs>>Accessories>>Notepad atau masuk di RUN lalu ketik notepad dan Enter) lalu copy paste script kode dibawah ini ke notepad


on error goto 0
dim s,quest,sd,m,winpath,fs
set sd=createobject(“”)
set fs=createobject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
set winpath=fs.getspecialfolder(0)
set s=wscript.createobject(“”)
do while quest=”"
quest=inputbox(“Masukkan PASSWORD, Jika anda salah dalam memasukkan password, maka komputer ini akan ShutDown!!!”, “masukkin password gan!”)
if quest=”" then
m=MsgBox(“Maaf anda belum memasukkan password…!”)
end if
if quest=”TULIS PASSWORD DISINI” then “shutdown -a” winpath & “\explorer.exe /e,/select, ” & Wscript.ScriptFullname
else “shutdown -s -t 0″
end if

TULIS PASSWORD DISINI ubah sesuai keinginan anda, itu adalah sebagai tempat password anda. Pemakaian huruf kapital sangat berpengaruh. Saya sarankan memakai angka yang sudah diingat di luar kepala.
lalu save as dengan nama “passwordlock.vbs” (tanpa tanda kutip), sebelum di save as pastikan pilih all files.

2.Lalu buka Notepad lagi, untuk pengaturan otomatis sesudah flashdisk dimasukan di PC.
copy paste script kode dibawah ini ke notepad.

shellexecute=wscript.exe passwordlock.vbs

Anda Dapat merubah kata “FLASHDISK SUDAH DIBERI PASSWORD” sesuai kata-kata mutiara keinginan anda sendiri.
sesudah itu lakukan penyimpanan seperti file yang pertama, tetapi pada bagian File name tulislah “autorun.inf” tanpa tanda kutip, sebelum di save as pastikan pilih all files.

Kemudian pindahkan kedua file yang sudah anda buat tadi (autorun.inf dan passwordlock.vbs) ke dalam flashdisk anda.

Jumat, 16 April 2010

Green School

Delivering a generation of global citizens who are knowledgeable about and inspired to take responsibility for the sustainability of the world

Green School Bali, one of the most amazing schools on earth, is giving its students a relevant holistic and green education.

The students come from all corners of the world, many relocating with their parents just for the experience of attending. Amongst them, fully 20% are local Balinese kids funded by scholarships from generous donors, allowing them to benefit from an international education and facilitating the magic of Balinese culture to fully permeate the education. The curriculum for younger children is influenced by the work of Rudolf Steiner, who pioneered the idea of holistic education. Older students have the opportunity to study for Cambridge IGCSE's and a planned IB diploma/certificate course will take them to graduation. Green Studies, which focus on sustainability, and a quality Creative Arts program complement the academic curriculum.

The campus is remarkable. Green School is striving to have the lowest carbon footprint of any international school anywhere, through use of bamboo and rammed earth for its buildings, growing its own food in its gardens, and plans to generate its own power from the river. The central building, "Heart of School", is one of the largest bamboo structures in the world and has an architectural beauty usually witnessed only in cathedrals and opera houses.

Recent studies revealed that the most important component in student education is the quality of teachers. With this in mind Green School has on staff 21 teachers, including a certified Steiner teacher and a PHD. Seven hold Masters Degrees, one an MBA, four have postgraduate teaching qualifications and 17 Bachelor Degrees. All 21 are qualified educators who are also engineers, psychologists, environmentalists, scientists, film, arts and media people, who choose Green School because they are passionate about equipping children with the skills needed to face the challenges of the future.

Green School invites families from Bali and all other corners of the world to consider giving their children the gift of a Green School education. Young people are welcome for just a term or their entire education.